Whether you are a highly-trained athlete or a weekend warrior, there’s always a chance you could get injured. Unfortunately, when injuries happen, it can be hard to know what you’ve tweaked or how to treat it. Depending upon the severity of the incident, you have to ensure that you can give immediate attention and proper remedial measures. If left unattended for long, these injuries can cause severe and permanent damage. You should get appropriate advice from a professional in this event. Depending upon the area where the athlete’s hurt, the sports injury wrap should be chosen.
Sprained Ankles
A sprained ankle is a common issue in almost all age groups. A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together.
If the doctor or physiotherapist suggests that the damage is categorized as a grade 1, then they can be treated with a simple sports wrap for the ankle. The compression bandage binds the ligament in the place and keeps you from applying unnecessary pressure on the foot. Some wraps can even incorporate hot & cold therapy, which can speed up your recovery process.
For severe injuries like those categorized as a grade 2 or 3, you may need the next level of attention. First, get it checked with a qualified doctor and then do as they say. Some may even require you to go on complete bed rest for a long span.
Knee Sprains
A knee sprain usually occurs due to unnatural movements during physical activity. Sudden turns or pivoting can cause injury to your ligaments. Knee sprains are common in sports with lots of running, jumping, and turning, such as in football, basketball, and skiing. Everyday activity over time can also cause knee sprains. Depending upon the sports activity that you indulge in, you can sprain your ACL or MCL area in the knee. The compression bandage that is specially designed to comfort the knee area is quite helpful in the process of recovery.
However, instead of going at it on your own, it is highly recommended that you take the advice of a physiotherapist and understand the proper way of applying the sports wrap to the affected area. Most of the companies that have a fair idea of the making and manufacturing the sports injury wrap specialize in the making of knee wraps for emergency use.
Hamstring Injury

Hamstring muscle injuries — such as a "pulled hamstring" — occur frequently in athletes and active individuals. They are especially common in athletes who participate in sports that require sprinting, such as track, soccer, and basketball. A pulled hamstring or strain is an injury to one or more of the muscles at the back of the thigh. A muscle strains your hamstring area can hamper the game and restrict you from even an activity as simple as walking.
If your injury is minor, wrapping it can get you back in the game, but if it is more severe, then the better option is icing it, wrapping it, and rooting on your teammates from the sideline. Sports wrap utilizing both cold and heat compression properly can speed in recovery as well as help you avoid more sever injury.
Arm Injury

Minor arm injuries are common. Symptoms often develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. Arm injuries are often caused by:
- Sports or hobbies.
- Work-related tasks.
- Work or projects around the home.
The wrist and elbow area of your arm are quite susceptible to injuries during the game. You may end up hurting your shoulder as well. This kind of damage can cause issues for a longer span than usual if they are not taken care of at an early stage. Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are two common problems, and overuse and repetitive motion can cause both.
Most minor injuries will heal on their own, and home treatment is usually all that is needed to relieve symptoms and promote healing. This a great example of when hot cold wrap are most effective. Look for options that are specially designed for the area that has been affected. You should also go for bandages or wraps that are made up of waterproof material and help in keeping the cold or hot compress inside the wrap. It helps in faster healing of the affected area.
Neoprene is one of the best materials that is used for this purpose. The shoulder wraps come with neck sling that can be used for providing support to the arm with the help of the correct posture of your neck.
While buying these sports wrap, you must keep a few details in your mind
- Ensure that the company is well known and has proven results that have helped other players in faster recovery. You can also ask your fellow teammates or your physiotherapist for a recommendation on the wraps.
- Go for material and design that is in synchronization with the type of sport that you regularly indulge in. For example, a hamstring wrap will only come to your rescue if you have a lot of footwork to do while performing in your team. Wrist wraps are handy for tennis, badminton, and table tennis players. There are wraps for almost any pain point area.
- Keeping the hygiene issue in mind, it is best if you invest in your own sports wrap instead of using the one that all the players use in case of an emergency. Even if you have to go for a wrap during the crisis, take out time to buy your own once the game is over.