Typography Styles

Paragraph copy.

No need to select a style, your copy will automatically render this way. In some cases you can bold the copy to call out information, like this:

LARGE: Fits most standard large dogs such as: Akita, Anatolian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bouvier de Flandres, Doberman, Greyhound, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Rhodesian Ridgeback & Rottweiler

Heading 1 Regular

Heading 1 Bold

Heading 1 is used on Page Titles, but you don't typically need to adjust this. This is a style the backend manually adjusts for you.

Heading 2 Bold

For consistency, make sure to bold Heading 2 when it's used. Use this style on:

  • Page headers (i.e. 'We've Got You Covered' On 'For You' page)
  • Section breaks on long pages (i.e. 'Cold Therapy', 'Heat Therapy' on 'For You' page)

Heading 3 Bold

Heading 3 Bold should be used on pages that need easy-to-read section breaks, but do not have a lot of copy:

  • Headers on pages with a shorter amount of copy (i.e. 'History' and 'Contact Us' on About Caldera page)

Heading 3 Regular/Blue

Heading 3 blue should be used as sub-heads on pages with a lot of copy:

  • Subheads ('For You' and 'For Your Pet' pages). Make sure to change it to blue when used here.


"Blockquotes will look like this. Make sure to change the person's name and title to bold and blue."

—Firstname Last, Title (optional), Company (optional)

Change fonts to a consistent blue: